Sunday, 12 April 2015

Pray that your loneliness may / mattdemino: Gandalf the Grey, first / insanelygaming: It’s Dirty Work, But…. / / [Geek Photos]

Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.
mattdemino: Gandalf the Grey, first in my Tolkien series
insanelygaming: It’s Dirty Work, But…. Created by Fábio Lopes
Maxime Pecourt - Movie Posters French designer Maxime Pecourt worked on a new series of 5 movie posters using the cult objects of each. Brilliant ! Check MIB, ET, Aladin & Batman in the full article ! Le graphiste Français Maxime Pecourt nous a concocté une toute nouvelle série de posters de fims inspirés par les objets cultes de ces derniers. Retrouvez Batman, ET, Aladin et MIB dans la suite de l’article ! Submitted by Maxime Pecourt via : postmaster(at)geek-art(dot)net !
adamworks: My new submission to the threadless challenge “Loves Pin Ups”: With a final plot twist, Samus it’s one of the most iconic and respectable female characters of videogame culture, so she really need to be here. You can vote at Threadless to see it print:
infinity-comics: Daredevil vol. 2 114-119 - Covers by Marko Djurdjević
svalts: 3, 2, 1… GO! - by Spencer Duffy (via: heyoscarwilde)


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